Line chart

Closing price is the last traded price of the session. When you check the position of your portfolio when the market is open, the price that you see and evaluate your portfolio is known as CMP (current market price). When market closes, the last traded price is considered as a closing price. But when we ... Read more

Bar chart

You may recall that the line chart connects a single price (closing price) to plot the chart. We discussed about four prices that we get for each session: Open, High, Low and Close. Instead of only considering closing price of a particular session, all prices of the session can be plotted in the format of ... Read more

Candlestick chart

Candlestick charts are probably one of the most popular and widely followed charting method. It is considered to be among the oldest Japanese charting method. The early form of candlestick chart patterns was explained by Homma Munehisa in his in book titled The Fountain of Gold – The Three Monkey Record of Money. This book ... Read more

Multi-chart setup Introduction

Let me explain an interesting thing related to this. Let’s assume we are plotting a 10-period indicator on candlestick chart. It can be Moving average, RSI, ADX, Super trend or any other indicator. A 10-period indicator will always be plotted on last 10 candles. See below image. When 10-period indicator is plotted it calculates the ... Read more

Renko chart

Renko is another charting method that belongs to the “noiseless” category, i.e. a chart which is free of relatively minor price moves. Renko charts have their origins in Japan where they were used during the 19th century. They were introduced to the rest of the world by Steven Nison who discussed this methodology in his ... Read more

All Chart Matrix

All Chart Matrix A simple all chart matrix table is a combination of patterns of various charting method. If market is bullish, the candle of candlestick chart will be bullish. The column in P&F chart will be in a column of ‘X’. The Renko chart will have a bullish brick. A line in the line-break ... Read more

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