Single Candlestick patterns

Single Candlestick pattern Even a single candle has a lot of useful information from the analysis perspective. We discussed that a candle consists of Open, High, Low, and closing price of the session. It gives us all important information regarding a particular session. We can’t get to know whether High appeared first or Low by ... Read more

Doji & Types of Doji

Doji Category: Reversal & Continuation Doji is a single candlestick pattern which has ‘No body’, only shadows. Having no body in the candle would mean that there is no difference between the Open and the Close price. Hence, only a line is plotted in the candle instead of the body. The line appears at the ... Read more

Hammer & Hanging man Pattern

Hammer & Hanging man Pattern Category: Reversal Type: Weak Hammer or Hanging man are a single candlestick pattern with no or a very little upper shadow. The pattern looks like the Hammer, hence the name. The major feature of this pattern is the long lower shadow. Longer the lower shadow, stronger the pattern. To quantify, ... Read more

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