Positional Investment

Investing Generally speaking, investment is made keeping larger time horizon in mind. It is a sensible approach to use higher box-values when time horizon is large. All P&F methods that we have discussed can be applied on larger box-value charts for medium-term or long-term investments; I am not repeating it unnecessarily. The earlier discussion about ... Read more

Short & Medium-term

Various methods and techniques on P&F discussed throughout this book are applicable on all time frames and box-values. Even one or two things understood properly can make you trade any instrument successfully. A few strategies are discussed in this chapter from investing and trading perspective, to arm you with more ideas and use the ones ... Read more

Index Trading

Nifty as per simple setup rules can be traded on lower time-frame charts. In other words, basic Double Top and Double Bottom patterns can be filtered by trend identification techniques like moving average. I recommend 5 absolute box-value for the same on 1 min time frame. Have a look at the chart below. Figure 12.3.12: ... Read more

Options Trading

Options Options are useful derivative trading instruments and they can be traded using technical analysis without having to understand the Greeks associated with them. P&F charts of options can be plotted and every P&F technique that we have discussed is applicable on them as well. Time interval P&F charts of option premium should be plotted ... Read more

Intraday Trading

Very short-term trading such as intraday trading requires a special skill set. There is so much noise out there that it is so easy to overtrade. The best advantage of P&F for trading time interval charts is that it reduces the number of trading signals. Figure shown below is a P&F chart of Nifty showing ... Read more


ORB (Open Range Breakout) is a popular technique followed for intraday trading. In ORB, the opening range of first 15 or 30 min candle is treated as range for the day, price remaining between the range is considered as consolidation and coming out from that range is known as an open rage breakout. Same formation ... Read more

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