Mini Tops and Mini Bottoms

We discussed about various Point & Figure patterns in the earlier chapters. Trades should be taken based on their occurrence. Techniques of analyzing them by applying various tools are explained in this chapter, which shall help in filtering the patterns and defining the setups. Mini Tops and Mini Bottoms Tops and Bottoms are very easy ... Read more


Trend line is a most basic and widely used tool of identifying trends. We often plot it on usual price– time charts by connecting two highs or lows. Bullish line is drawn by connecting two lows and bearish line is drawn by connecting two high points. Upward line shows higher low formation that reflects rising ... Read more

Horizontal Counts

If you meet any market participant, you will often find two questions that can be called the stock market anthem: kya lagta hai? (How do you see market?) and the question that shall immediately follow is kahan tak? (How far?) Once we identify the trend or breakout pattern, next thing we try to do is ... Read more

Vertical Counts

Vertical Counts This is my favorite method of taking the counts, mainly because it is objective in nature. Vertical counts are a method of projecting targets from single P&F column. A column of ‘X’ is always projected toward upside and a column of ‘O’ will always be projected toward downside. The column selection is not ... Read more

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